WhatsApp set to launch "Admin Super Power" feature in their next update. I know this feature will be familiar to those who use Telegram app. Recently WhatsApp has brought a lot of features and now there is another brand new feature coming soon.
These are the functions of the Admin Super Power:
The Power: This feature disable other Admin to delete the main administrator. and it also allow the main administrator to have control over other admins.
Subject Modifications: Most-wanted, administrators will be able to choose if participants or other admins will be able to modify the group's description, icon, and subjects. Once enable that only admin can edit the subject, icon and description, a notification would appear notifying that only admins are eligible to change the settings.
Restrictions in Groups: This feature will allow admin to disable the chat. That means, users will only read messages but won't be able to send group text messages, images, videos, GIfs, documents, voice messages or even starting a new live location. Meanwhile, while the group chat is disabled, a message will appear telling that "only admin can send messages in this group." The settings of this feature can only be altered after 72 hours. However, the feature roll out date has no specific time frame but was reported to come out around 2018.
These are the functions of the Admin Super Power:
The Power: This feature disable other Admin to delete the main administrator. and it also allow the main administrator to have control over other admins.
Subject Modifications: Most-wanted, administrators will be able to choose if participants or other admins will be able to modify the group's description, icon, and subjects. Once enable that only admin can edit the subject, icon and description, a notification would appear notifying that only admins are eligible to change the settings.
Restrictions in Groups: This feature will allow admin to disable the chat. That means, users will only read messages but won't be able to send group text messages, images, videos, GIfs, documents, voice messages or even starting a new live location. Meanwhile, while the group chat is disabled, a message will appear telling that "only admin can send messages in this group." The settings of this feature can only be altered after 72 hours. However, the feature roll out date has no specific time frame but was reported to come out around 2018.
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